Are you trying to scale your bookkeeping firm? Good workflow can be the key. As we approach Q4, it’s time to start setting goals for next year. And if you’re looking to scale your bookkeeping firm in 2025, there’s no time like the present to audit your current workflows. 

Why Focus on Workflow? 

Your workflow comprises everything you do. It’s all your essential tasks that make work at your firm possible. It’s the way your team and apps work together. It defines how your day goes, every single day. 

The larger your business grows, the more necessary it becomes to perfect your workflow by having the proper systems and procedures in place. Everyone at your firm should know what to do, be trained to do their work correctly and have access to the documentation that will help them work efficiently and effectively. 

Utilize Checklists

Bookkeeping checklists help you keep all your ducks in a row. A vital part of scaling any firm is standardizing services across your business. The larger a business gets, the more difficult it can become to guarantee that clients get the same excellent service across the board. Checklists are an excellent tool to alleviate that worry. With procedural checklists, you and your team can ensure you’re all completing every step of every task, in the same way!

Check Your Tech

The right technology can drastically improve your day-to-day life at work. On the flip side, the wrong technology can make hard tasks even more tedious. Your time is precious, and any time you spend fiddling with apps that don’t work well together is time you could be spending doing client work. Before you scale your firm, it’s important to do a tech audit so you can know if your tech stack is helping or hindering your business. 


Once you have your procedures written out, it’s important to document them in a safe, easy-to-access place. In addition to helping you tackle procedures, proper documentation also protects you and your team from any potential legal trouble down the line. 

Go Paperless

What does going paperless have to do with your workflow? Well, how long does it take you to find paper documents? How long does it take to acquire them from clients? Going paperless can help increase efficiency at your firm by making it easier to access important documents when you need them. Switching to digital storage also enables your team to work from anywhere, reducing the chance of unexpected circumstances disrupting anyone’s workflow. 

Track Key Metrics

It doesn’t just stop with optimizing your workflow — you must be prepared to improve it whenever the need arises. Tracking key metrics will help you see if your current workflow needs updates. 

Let us know below what goals you’re aiming for in Q4 and beyond!