Teamwork makes the dream work. Effective delegation can improve your accounting firm’s health in many ways. One of the most attractive benefits of delegating is that it frees up your time to focus on other tasks. But good delegation can also improve the happiness of your team! When work is assigned well, your staff can feel trusted, valued, and empowered in their workplace. 

The Problems With Delegation

Delegating tasks at your accounting firm isn’t as simple as just assigning jobs and letting the pieces fall into place. Though it may seem a deceptively easy aspect of practice management, there are plenty of obstacles that can reduce your firm’s efficacy and efficiency. 

It can be difficult to relinquish important tasks to other people. When you care about your work, you may find that you strive for perfection and struggle to trust others to handle assignments that you feel you do well. But if your team has been trained well, then it’s time to trust them to be successful!

Delegating With Confidence at Your Firm

  • Pick the right team member: We all have unique skills and talents in the workplace that make us better suited to some tasks; likewise, we all have our weaknesses. Consider the talents of your team and who would be best suited to the task, while also considering their current workload.
  • Provide clear instructions: Starting things off on the right foot is key. It’s difficult for your staff to do what is required of them if they aren’t sure what is required. Expectations and deadlines should be communicated clearly — and it’s helpful if instructions for different tasks are written down and easily accessible so your team can refer back to them. 
  • Communicate continuously: Poor communication is detrimental to any project. A lot of times, delegation doesn’t just end with the assignment. When team members have questions or need clarification, it’s important that they have a place to take them.
  • Offer feedback: We’re always striving to improve, and it can be difficult when you first begin taking on a new responsibility. Encouraging feedback can motivate your team and correct issues before they turn into larger problems.

Continue to Succeed

Providing consistent feedback is just one of the ways to ensure continued success in this area. If you want your ability to delegate to become a key asset, it’s important that your team feels empowered to complete their assigned tasks. Establishing a learning culture at your accounting firm can encourage open-mindedness and energize your team. 

Using Aero Workflow for Delegation

Some accounting software, like Aero Workflow, can help make delegating even easier! Aero Workflow allows you to create, assign, and time tasks. You can even store checklists that enable your team members to follow procedures step-by-step. Additionally, Aero also allows you to organize resources required to complete said tasks — like client activity history and important passwords!

Looking for some help with delegation? Don’t forget about our Free Trial!