Are workflow bottlenecks getting in the way of your daily operations? A good workflow is key to the success of any business, and accounting is no exception. But you may find some annoying, recurring little problems hindering productivity at your firm. Like cavities, workflow bottlenecks can return if not properly addressed and can worsen overtime, slowly gathering bacteria and rotting away your bottom line. 

A bottleneck happens when the input exceeds the output. When it comes to your accounting workflow, this can mean that there are impediments making it impossible for you to finish all the work that needs your attention. Removing these bottlenecks can help you work more effectively and efficiently. 

Here are some of the most common bottlenecks you may run into at your firm AND how you can manage them. 

Lack of Documentation and Clear Processes

Clear and documented processes are essential to having a good workflow. Confusion about direction can result in mistakes or lots of unnecessary back and forth. We recommend using procedure checklists to prevent this confusion. A checklist can help your team to complete a procedure the same way, every time. 

Missing Documents

You work with a lot of important, sensitive documents — and when clients don’t meet deadlines for turning those documents in, you may not be able to complete your daily tasks. Set clear expectations with your clients through your engagement letter and try utilizing automation to send reminders about important deadlines they must meet. 

Poor Communication

Breakdowns in communication across your firm can get in the way of you doing what you do best: client work. This can happen when you don’t have a clear communication plan in place for both your team and your clients. This document helps to get rid of confusion surrounding how and when people should be contacted. Be sure to check out our other post to learn how you can create one. 

Employee Stress

One commonly overlooked bottleneck is employee stress and unhappiness. A happy team is a more productive team. When your staff feels overworked or undervalued, they may not be able to produce their best work. The way to alleviate this problem is through active communication and problem-solving. 

Insufficient Technology

While the right tech can drastically improve your workflow, the wrong or insufficient tech could be making your job more difficult. Lots of problems can arise when your tech stack isn’t right for your business. For example, if your apps don’t integrate well together, you may be adding lots of unnecessary steps to your regular processes. Perform a technology audit to ensure your tech stack is working for you. 

Ready to take your workflow to the next level? Aero Workflow has all sorts of helpful features that can help you manage these common bottlenecks. Check out our free trial today.